A weekly ARES® training net is held on the W4GGM repeater to practice the discipline of conducting and participating in a directed net. On scheduled occasions this net will also incorporate practice in using backup simplex frequencies, passing message traffic, etc. for the enhancement of emergency skills.

To supplement the weekly training net, several ARES® training/exercises are planned for 2024. Other events will be added so check back for updates.

February 20 – Storm Spotter Training 6:30 PM @ Maury County OEM

March 17 – Simplex Net on 146.55 MHz at regular net time (8:30 PM).

April 27 – 24 hr Deployment Pack Workshop 10:00 AM @ Riverwalk Park

June 22 – Field Day – Winlink Demonstration

August 5-24 – CERT Training Site TBD

September 28 – Jailbreak Triathlon at Chickasaw Trace Park

October 13 – Chickasaw Trace Classic at Chickasaw Trace Park

Date TBD – Basic Lifesaving @ Maury OEM