Membership in the Maury Amateur Radio Club is open to all licensed amateur radio operators and their immediate family members. A licensed operator is classified as a “Regular Member”, who pays annual dues and enjoys full privileges including one (1) vote on any item that comes before the club, including elections. Other family members – such as a spouse and/or child(ren) – who reside in the immediate household can be included as a non-dues paying “Family Member”, but they are not eligible to vote on club matters or in any election. A Family Member may become a full Regular Member at any time by paying the annual dues.

Club dues for Regular Members is $25 per year. All club member’s dues are payable on April 1st of each year. If someone joins after April 1st, their dues will be prorated at the rate of $.07/day. Family Members are included at no charge. Existing members can pay their dues by clicking here.

There are two ways to join:

  1. Download and print out a membership application. Fill out, sign, and mail to the Post Office box listed on the application, along with a check for your dues. Checks must be made payable to “Maury Amateur Radio Club”. Please allow 7-10 days for processing. You will receive an email from once your membership has been activated.
  2. You can join online through our membership web portal at When prompted, enter the Club Application Code gr05x3esf89au or the club’s callsign W4GGM. If you are already a member of another club that uses, please log in with your existing account and select “Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club” at the main menu, and use the Club Application Code or callsign. Dues will be collected as part of the online application process. We accept all major credit/debit cards.