About the Club

Originally founded in 1976, the Maury Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (MARC) is a registered Tennessee non-profit public service corporation located in Columbia (Maury County) Tennessee. We are dedicated to promoting the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio while providing for the common good of our community through our expertise in communications. The MARC is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Affiliated Club. MARC sponsors the Maury County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARESĀ®) group. We have over 75 active members as of December 2024.


Click the image above to read our first club newsletter from March, 1977

The MARC was originally started by several Ham operators in the Maury County Tennessee area. The founding members included John Alden K4HRY (SK), Finas Allen W4GGM (SK), Bill Arnett WB4EBR, Shannon Arnett WA4EBU, Fred Chappell WB4WCB (SK), Clyde Denton K4UXK (SK), Jim Dooley WB4HCG, Hal Greene W4CUQ (SK), Melvin Hindman ex-WA4WGN now AE4FP, Dr. Clay Miller WA4RGQ (SK), Ernie Parker WB4HWW (SK), Hushel Parrish K4WKA (SK), Ken Riley WA4ZYX (SK), George Russell WB4JCR (SK), Charlie Spencer WB4VXY (SK), Tom Wade WB4VXW (SK), Billy Wilson WB4ELS.

MARC’s first repeater had the call of WR4AIX and was issued Feb. 10, 1978 to Clyde Denton K4UXK (SK). Later the Club operated under the call of Ken Riley WA4ZYX (SK), then a new Club call of KF4ADU was issued in June of 1995. The repeater was operated under this call until Jan. 6th 1998, when the club obtained the call of Finas Allen W4GGM (SK), a founding member of the MARC who became a silent key on August 28th 1993.

Club Activities

MARC members own and operate two amateur radio repeaters located 2 miles south of Columbia, TN. The VHF repeater is on 147.12 MHz (+.600 offset), with a 127.3 CTCSS tone, and is open to all Amateur Radio operators. Our UHF analog repeater is on 443.175 MHz (+5.000 offset) with a 100 CTCSS tone and is linked full time to the MTEARS network. Both repeaters operate under the club call W4GGM.

The MARC sponsors the Maury County ARESĀ® group, which actively serves the Maury County Office of Emergency Management (OEM), the National Weather Service (NWS), and various community organizations for special events. 

The MARC has many things going on during the year, from monthly Club Meetings, contest and Field Day activities, to “fox hunts” and antenna build parties. Visit the different pages for Club Nets, Amateur Radio License Testing information, and other club activities. There is always something fun and exciting going on in the MARC! If you are Ham operator visiting the Middle Tennessee area, make sure and get on the repeater and chat with the local operators. You will always be welcome!


Membership in the MARC is $25.00 for 1 year per family. This includes all licensed Ham family members that are currently living in the home. The membership entitles each family one vote on anything brought before the Club, including elections. Click here to join.