Scott Yates N4BBB (SK)

We are saddened to announce that Scott Yates, N4BBB became a Silent Key on January 11, 2024. A Celebration of Scott’s Life will be held 11:00 AM January 27, 2024 at Columbia First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Columbia, TN

His obituary can be found here:

Net Cancellation Announcement

Reminder: There will be no Sunday ARES Net held tonight, December 24th, or next Sunday night, December 31st. The ARES Net will resume January 7th.

Also the Newbie Net will not be held Tuesday, December 26th. It will resume January 2nd.

June 2023 Club Meeting Update

A reminder that our club meeting will not be held on the 2nd Tuesday this month. We will instead have a brief club meeting after the 6PM dinner at Field Day on June 24th. Also, we will cancel this month’s Club Breakfast as that would fall on the same Saturday as Field Day. We will resume our normal meeting and breakfast schedule in July.