February Club Meeting

The February club meeting will be held Tuesday, Feb. 11th at La Fuente Restaurant in Columbia (in the usual meeting room). We will start eating around 5:30 and the meeting will start at 7PM. After the business portion of the meeting, Joe N4JW will have a presentation on club plans for 2025. Hope to see you there!

July 2024 Club Meeting

The July 2024 Club Meeting will be held Tuesday, July 9th at La Fuente Restaurant in Columbia. We start eating around 5:30-6PM and the meeting starts at 7PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.

June 2024 Club Meeting

Our June club meeting will be held during Field Day (Saturday, June 29th) starting at 6PM in the Rotary Pavilion at Maury County Park. We will not meet this month on the 2nd Tuesday as we normally do. We will resume our usual club meeting schedule in July.

May 2024 Club Meeting

The next MARC club meeting will be on May 14th at 7pm. We will host the meeting at La Fuente Restaurant in Columbia. Arrive between 5:30pm-6:00pm if you plan to eat.

Please be there if you can!

We have some new hams that have joined recently and it would be great for them to be able to put a face with the call signs and a great opportunity for some Elmers to get connected with some of the newer folks.

February 2024 Club Meeting

Reminder that our February Club Meeting will be held this Tuesday (Feb. 13th) at La Fuente Restaurant in Columbia. We start eating around 5:30 PM and the meeting starts around 7PM. Hope to see you there!