March 2025 Amateur Radio License Exam

For those who are wanting to obtain or upgrade their FCC Amateur Radio License, the MARC March 2025 Amateur Radio license exam session will be held March 15th starting at 9AM at:

South Gate Church of Christ
2700 Pulaski Highway
Columbia TN, 38401
(follow the signs to the back of the building)

While walk-ins are welcome, we ask that if you wish to take an exam at this session that you please preregister at Ham Study by clicking here.

For more information about our license exam sessions, please click here.

February Club Meeting

The February club meeting will be held Tuesday, Feb. 11th at La Fuente Restaurant in Columbia (in the usual meeting room). We will start eating around 5:30 and the meeting will start at 7PM. After the business portion of the meeting, Joe N4JW will have a presentation on club plans for 2025. Hope to see you there!

January 2025 Amateur Radio License Exam Session

For those who are wanting to obtain or upgrade their FCC Amateur Radio License, the MARC January 2025 Amateur Radio license exam session will be held January 18th starting at 9AM at:

South Gate Church of Christ
2700 Pulaski Highway
Columbia TN, 38401
(follow the signs to the back of the building)

While walk-ins are welcome, we ask that if you wish to take an exam at this session that you please preregister at Ham Study by clicking here.

For more information about our license exam sessions, please click here.

June 2024 Club Meeting

Our June club meeting will be held during Field Day (Saturday, June 29th) starting at 6PM in the Rotary Pavilion at Maury County Park. We will not meet this month on the 2nd Tuesday as we normally do. We will resume our usual club meeting schedule in July.

April Club Breakfast and Deployment Pack Workshop

This Saturday morning (April 27) we have two events scheduled. To coordinate the events, the club breakfast time and location have been changed. The breakfast will be at 9:00 at McDonald’s at 110 Bear Creek Pike (near the intersection with Hwy 31).

Everyone is invited to attend a workshop on building a 24 hr deployment pack at 10:00 AM under the Rotary Shelter at Riverwalk Park. For that event, we will cover the list of items for a 24 hour deployment pack that is recommended by ARRL for ARES deployments. Our Emergency Coordinator, George KM4D will bring checklists for everyone plus he will have examples of the items on the list for his pack. Greg Bearden (Middle TN Emergency Preparedness Webpage moderator) will be attending to show his packs and to offer some expert advice and answer questions on specific items. These packs are not only useful for ARES deployments but also can be used for emergency evacuation from your home or unforeseen trouble when on the road.

The location for the event is convenient walking or very short driving distance to downtown Columbia which offers several restaurants and shops and is very pleasant in the Spring if we have a decent weather day. We should be finishing around lunchtime to take advantage of this. Everyone is welcome to bring your own pack, bring your family, learn a few things, and enjoy a spring day in Columbia. For those that can’t make it, we plan to upload a video of the event onto YouTube.

For more information about Maury County ARES, please visit the MARC ARES webpage.

March 2024 License Exam Session

The Maury Amateur Radio Club will be holding a License Exam session this Saturday, March 16th starting at 9AM. We will be located at South Gate Church of Christ in Columbia (2700 Pulaski Hwy, Columbia TN). If you are ready to take your Technician exam – or upgrade to General or Extra – you can register for a seat here. For more information on what to bring, please click here.

Severe Weather Awareness Day 2024

This year’s Severe Weather Awareness Day will be held Saturday, February 24th from 9AM to 4PM at Trevecca Nazarene University. SWAD is a free event hosted by the Nashville office of the National Weather Service for weather enthusiasts of all ages. For more details, click here.

January Club Breakfast

Our monthly club breakfast will be Saturday, January 27th at Farmers Family Restaurant (Saddletree Village, 5021 Trotwood Avenue; near Food Lion) in Columbia. They offer a buffet style breakfast. We will start eating around 8AM. Please join us for great food and fellowship!